The Facts about Dementia and Alzheimer’s

1 out of 9 people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s according to the Alzheimer’s Association. It’s not like any other chronic disease in that it stops a person from being able to function and perform activities of daily living, requiring 24/7 “eyes on” care.

Many seniors want to prepare for their future so their children don’t feel burdened with difficult decisions. This is especially true when children live elsewhere or don’t get along. Indecision can be your enemy when it comes to making care choices.

It’s vital to your well-being and quality of life to have an objective and experienced expert who has lived the journey help you and your family members navigate the waters around preparation for a dementia-related disease.

Read the 2021 Alzheimer’s Facts and Figures details as document by the Alzheimer’s Association here.

You’re going to need a Dementia plan for the future

Here are just a few of the areas I will help you build a plan around:

  • Recognizing the initial pre-diagnosis symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
  • Learning to recognize the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and the stages your loved one will go through.
  • Identifying the legal and healthcare documents needed or in need of an update
  • Discussing living  arrangements and care plans should dementia become an issue. It’s important that everyone be on the same page before symptoms arise.
  • Establishing and agreeing upon the criteria for when it’s time to consider options for care should a loved one be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
  • Identifying your criteria for care options, understanding the differences in the types of communities, and their services.
  • Building a back up plan if you should fall ill and not be able to care for your loved one or be involved in their care.

Most people value having an impartial expert available with whom to discuss their options and make sure they understand the consequences of their decisions. I traveled this path as my parents’ health and well-being changed and they needed more care assistance while wanting to remain independent for as long as possible.

Talk with Pam

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