Dementia and Alzheimer’s Caregiving Videos

See ALL of Pam Ostrowski’s dementia tip videos on her YouTube Channel –  Alzheimer’s Family Consulting.

Here’s a sample of the most viewed videos:

How to Communicate with a Loved One with Dementia – 58 minutesTwo women sitting at a table with papers on the table.

Answers with Experts – Koelsch Communities – Families ask real-life questions – 47 minutes

A man and woman are sitting in front of a book.

On Pam Ostrowski’s book “It’s Not That Simple: Helping Families Navigate the Alzheimer’s Journey”

The Author’s Show interview of Dementia Expert Pam Ostrowski – 18 minutes

A black background with the words " strong pioneer, since 1 9 0 3."


Free Dementia Care Tips from Pam Ostrowski